In France, they declared shock over the situation with Navalny

In France, they declared shock over the situation with Navalny

France is shocked by the situation with Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, who was hospitalized in Omsk due to possible poisoning. This was stated by the Minister-delegate for European Affairs Clement Beaune (Clement Beaune), reports Reuters.

“I share the fears and shock caused by this dramatic situation,” he said. Bon also confirmed that France is ready to help the opposition.

On August 20, French President Emmanuel macron said that his country is ready to grant Navalny asylum if necessary.

National security adviser to the us President Robert O’brien, in turn, noted that if the reports about the poisoning of the opposition leader are confirmed, it will affect relations between Russia and the US. The UN also called for a thorough investigation in this case.

Navalny became ill on the morning of August 20 during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. The crew made an emergency landing in Omsk, where the victim was taken by ambulance to the Department of toxicomaniac. A preliminary diagnosis of “poisoning by unidentified psychodisleptics” (hallucinogen). Navalny’s press Secretary claimed that on the day of departure, He did not eat anything and only drank tea in a coffee shop at the Tomsk airport. The Kremlin assured that Navalny will be able to go abroad for treatment if the need arises. According to the latest reports, his condition has improved, but he is still unconscious and on a ventilator, and cannot be transported.
