Trump assessed Putin’s political level

Trump assessed Putin’s political level

US President Donald trump has called Russian and Chinese counterparts Vladimir Putin and XI Jinping “grandmasters in politics.” This opinion was expressed on the air of the Fox News channel, reports TASS.

He noted that his rival in the presidential election, Democrat Joe Biden, if he wins, will not be able to work with them on an equal footing, since he is not the same grandmaster.

On August 18, trump already called Vladimir Putin and XI Jinping “world-class chess players”. Then he put North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN and Turkish President Recep Erdogan in the same row.

Earlier, the former US presidential Advisor for national security John Bolton said about “the shocking credibility of” trump Putin. According to him, at the meeting of the presidents in Helsinki, he and other administration employees were surprised by the way the leader spoke with Putin: they tried to explain why the press in Washington was not happy about this, but the President seemed to refuse to understand it. “The President didn’t seem to understand that people might not like the way he equated what Putin was telling him with what the intelligence community was saying,” Bolton said.
